Word Up/ Borderless vol 3

Another week has passed, and still keeping busy.

Last Monday I was given the opportunity to showcase some of my work at a spoken word event called WordUp in North West London. It was a really good night, with such a variety of people expressing themselves through poetry, song and other ways. Good vibes all around. Before the break I went up to tell everyone about myself and my artwork (was really nervous but I got through) and received a lot of positivity from the crowd. Managed to sell a few things and expand my network which was really cool (thanks Charlie :))





Saturday I did a live painting again at my work colleague’s event while he and his friends supplied the tunes for the night. Sooo I came up with a nice little idea before the day which combined the outline of my country of heritage Dominica and some national symbols.

The thing I’ve realised with live paintings is that you never really know how things are going to turn out. You could end up doing too much or end up doing too little. That comes with the territory.

As I was only just reaching halfway and a guy began asking me questions about what I was doing. He expressed how much he liked the piece the way it was and to name my price there and then. It was a surprise to say the least because I honestly had no intentions of selling it plus in my mind I was still in the middle of painting it. I eventually gave him a price but I was determined to finish it.

When I did he said he still liked it but it wasn’t the way he wanted it (ok not in those exact words, but he said if I hadn’t added certain thugs he wouldn’t have dropped the price to buy). So just to be nice I said if he is still keen will he buy if I redid some parts and he did say yes…

Upon further reflection I thought- did my pride get in the way? But then I remembered…this was a personal piece for me. If I sold it like that without my full intentions in the piece then I wouldn’t be happy. I’m happy to sell work no doubt, and whilst I may not be in a financially comfortable position at the moment (and some would say you can’t afford to be picky) but then to drop to half the asking price because it wasn’t how he wanted it? Didn’t sit right. I take on any feedback and appreciate all comments but I think I’d rather lose out.

I’d actually like to hear some opinions on this situation- do you think I made the wrong call?


